viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

Y yo también con mi mantita!!!

Amanece ya con un poquito de fresquito, y hay que empezar a abrigar el mobiliario urbano . . .

Bicycle Dress Guard - from Simeli (Dutch)

yarn bombed shopping cart

Crocheted extensions seem to be a great idea if you want to change color without dying your hair or only want to escape from the dullness of life! You can make them as long as you want and than braid them into your hair... You can also wash them like Your natural hair (they are only a bit heavy).YarnbombingSweet ride!Cleaning up the trash!

Just be happy!: Mailbox Yarn Bombing
yarn bombing
This yarnbombing was one of 10 interventions done all over Zaragoza through “  The Assault Festival of Street Art ” .

Fun yarn bomb! This giv es me an idea for an old mail station someone left in my office!!
Yarn bomb! Jefferson never looked so stylish.yeah yarn bomb.

                                               VW yarnbomb

3 comentarios:

  1. Da gusto encontrarse con cosas como estas por la calle, que de color!!!!!. Besos. Viajera

  2. Me encanta!!!!! ,vaya trabajo han tenido de hacer todo eso a mano!!!

  3. Podremos ver eso de verdad por la ciudad
